Inflation-Resistant Assets: Diversifying Your Business Cash Portfolio

corporate cash management
April 25, 2023

Inflation, the erosion of purchasing power due to a general rise in the price level, is an economic reality that businesses must grapple with. To preserve the value of their cash holdings and maintain a strong financial position, businesses should diversify their cash portfolios with inflation-protected securities. This blog post will explore several types of inflation-resistant assets that businesses can incorporate into their portfolios, as well as the importance of treasury management in maintaining a well-balanced and risk-adjusted investment strategy.

Inflation-Resistant Assets

Real Estate

This asset has historically been a popular inflation-resistant investment as property values often rise in tandem with inflation. Investing in commercial real estate can be a great way for businesses to generate both capital appreciation and steady rental income. When it comes to choosing a property, prime locations and those with high-quality tenants are particularly attractive options, especially during times of inflation, as they are likely to provide higher rental returns.

For those who are interested in gaining exposure to real estate without the responsibility of property management, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) can be a compelling alternative. REITs are publicly traded companies that own, manage, and finance income-producing properties. As an investor, you can buy shares in a REIT and enjoy the benefits of property ownership without the hassle of managing the property yourself.


For businesses looking to hedge against inflation, owning stocks can be a viable option, especially if they choose stocks that have a history of performing well in inflationary environments. One type of stock that can be especially attractive during inflationary periods is dividend-paying stocks. Companies that consistently pay dividends tend to be more resilient in these conditions, as the act of paying dividends demonstrates their financial strength and stability, making them a more stable investment choice.

Another strategy for adding a layer of inflation protection to a stock portfolio is to invest in stocks from industry sectors that tend to perform well during inflationary times. These sectors include consumer staples, healthcare, and utilities, which have a history of weathering inflationary storms and providing steady returns. By investing in stocks from these sectors, businesses can add an element of inflation-protected treasury bonds to their portfolios.


Although traditional bonds may not fare well during inflationary periods, secure treasury inflation bonds can offer businesses protection against inflation. For businesses seeking to protect themselves from inflation, Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) can be a great option. TIPS are government-issued bonds that are designed specifically to protect investors from the effects of inflation. The principal value of TIPS increases with inflation, and the interest payments, which are based on the adjusted principal, also rise accordingly. This means that the bond's real return remains constant, regardless of the level of inflation.

Businesses looking to offset the effects of inflation may also choose to invest in corporate bonds that offer a higher yield. Higher yield bonds can help to compensate for any potential decrease in the bond's value that may occur due to rising prices. Investing in corporate bonds with a higher yield help businesses to ensure that they are protected from the effects of inflation and continue to earn a steady return on their investment.


These assets can serve as a hedge against inflation because their prices often rise when the general price level increases.

  • Precious metals (Gold, Silver, Platinum) - Precious metals, especially gold, are known for their ability to retain value during inflationary periods. As a tangible asset with limited supply, gold prices often rise as the purchasing power of fiat currencies declines.
  • Agricultural products - Agricultural commodities, such as corn, wheat, and soybeans, can also help businesses protect their cash portfolios from inflation. These essential products typically see price increases during inflationary periods, due to increased demand and higher production costs.

Foreign Currencies

Diversifying cash holdings across different currencies can be a smart way for businesses to mitigate the impact of inflation on their domestic currency. One strategy is to invest in foreign currencies that have low correlation with the domestic currency. By doing so, businesses can reduce their risk exposure to inflation and protect the value of their cash holdings.

Another option is to invest in currencies from countries with stable economies, low inflation, and strong monetary policies. These currencies can provide a hedge against domestic inflation and help to preserve the purchasing power of cash holdings. By investing in stable foreign currencies, businesses can ensure that their cash holdings maintain their value over time, even in the face of inflation.


In recent years, cryptocurrencies have emerged as a potential inflation-resistant asset class.

  • Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies - Bitcoin, the most well-known cryptocurrency, has often been referred to as "digital gold" due to its limited supply and ability to act as a store of value. Businesses may consider allocating a portion of their cash portfolio to Bitcoin or other major cryptocurrencies as a hedge against inflation.
  • Stablecoins - These are cryptocurrencies that are pegged to a stable asset, such as the US dollar or gold. By holding stablecoins, businesses can potentially protect their cash holdings from inflation while also benefiting from the efficiency and flexibility of digital currencies.

Collectibles and Alternative Investments

These investments can provide businesses with unique opportunities to protect their cash portfolios against inflation.

  • Art and antiques - Long been recognized as stores of value, arts and antiques are one-of-a-kind assets. Their value is less likely to be eroded by inflation, and they may even appreciate in value over time.
  • Wine and other luxury items - Luxury items, such as fine wines, rare coins, and vintage automobiles, can also serve as inflation-resistant investments. Their scarcity and desirability often result in price increases that outpace inflation, providing businesses with a potential hedge against rising prices.

Treasury Management for Businesses

Treasury management refers to the process of managing a company's financial assets and liabilities, cash flows, and risk exposures. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including business cash management, corporate cash management, and idle cash management.

Key Components of Treasury Management

  • Risk management - This focuses on identifying, assessing, and mitigating financial risks, such as inflation, interest rates, and exchange rate fluctuations.
  • Working capital optimization - This involves managing accounts receivable, accounts payable, and inventory to maximize the efficiency of a company's working capital.
  • Financing and capital structure - Treasury management also encompasses managing a company's debt and equity financing, as well as maintaining an optimal capital structure.

The Role of Treasury Management in Portfolio Diversification

  • Establishing a diversified investment strategy - Treasury management plays a crucial role in formulating a diversified investment strategy that takes into account various inflation-resistant assets, aligning the company's risk tolerance with its investment objectives.
  • Monitoring and managing risk exposure - Treasury management professionals continuously monitor the company's risk exposures and adjust the investment portfolio as needed to mitigate potential losses and seize new opportunities.
  • Periodic re-balancing of the portfolio - As market conditions change and the company's financial position evolves, treasury management ensures that the investment portfolio remains well-balanced and aligned with the company's overall financial strategy.

Benefits of Implementing Effective Treasury Management

Effective cash management is an important tool for businesses to enhance their liquidity and cash flow. By optimizing their cash management practices, businesses can ensure that they have the resources they need to meet their financial obligations and pursue growth opportunities. Additionally, effective risk management can help businesses minimize their exposure to financial risks such as inflation, interest rates, and exchange rates, reducing the potential impact of these factors on their financial performance. Minimizing these risks help businesses to protect their financial stability and position themselves for long-term success.

Finally, implementing robust treasury management practices can also strengthen a business's financial position and potentially lead to a higher credit rating. A stronger financial position and better credit rating can result in better access to financing at more favorable terms, helping businesses to secure the funding they need to grow and succeed.

Businesses can protect their cash holdings from the negative effects of inflation by diversifying their portfolios with various inflation-resistant assets, such as real estate, stocks, inflation-protected securities, commodities, foreign currencies, cryptocurrencies, and alternative investments. Treasury management plays a vital role in this process, as it enables businesses to establish a diversified investment strategy, monitor and manage risk exposures, and periodically rebalance their portfolios to align with their financial objectives. By embracing a proactive approach to cash management for businesses and implementing effective treasury management practices, companies can enhance their liquidity and cash flow, minimize risks related to inflation, interest rates, and exchange rates, and strengthen their overall financial position.

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